Why Social Networking and Mobile Marketing are a Powerful Combination
By Daemon Rutledge
Due to the rise in sales and usage of smartphones and other mobile-ready devices such as iPhones, iPads and tablets, people are now more inclined to use the internet when they are on the move. In addition, smartphone users like to show and tell their friends what they’re doing through social media networks.
Mobile and social media usage are growing at amazing rates and are expected to become even more relevant in the coming years; so small businesses today must develop a plan of action to capitalize on this fact by re-thinking how they are more likely to be found by local consumers.
The social local mobile revolution, also known as the SoLoMo revolution, is a fairly recent phenomenon that has been created by the rise in the number of consumers accessing social networks on their mobile devices; namely, “local” consumers. People access a number of social networks on the go, like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Foursquare to name just a few.
Many of these social sites let users tag their location through GPS on their smartphone to tell their friends where they are and what they’re doing. On Facebook, you can ‘check-in’ at different locations or businesses, adding the ‘local’ dimension to this social, mobile revolution.
Based on this, companies can target their messages to consumers who are in a specific geographic location, which is powerful. For instance, if you own a coffee shop and only want to make an offer to people who are within a 10-mile radius, you can.
Smartphone users also do social networking on their mobile device to leave reviews for others to view, share tweets, redeem offers or share information about the companies they do business with. Allowing users to easily spread the word about your company is vital because it is free advertising for your brand on a wide, commonly used social platform.
This is why even small businesses should invest in mobile-optimized websites and mobile apps that make it easier for local consumers to access their companies. In fact, many studies show that mobile website visitors are much more likely to take action. Making your local businesses mobile and connected with social media sites will have a monumental impact from a marketing standpoint; it should result in increased traffic to your company’s website, as well as increased in-store foot traffic.
Furthermore, since most of your customers are probably using their mobile devices to find your business, and later share feedback about your products and services, you can use this information make positive changes to develop your brand more tightly around what consumers in your area want and need.
About the Author
 | Daemon Rutledge, Circle Consulting Agency, LLC 11 Thistleton Rd Sicklerville, NJ 08081 888.603.6026 x707
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