Effectively Using QR Codes to Grow Your Local Business
By Daemon Rutledge
No one can argue with the fact that we are truly living in the technological age. In fact, we have taken it one step further and have migrated into the age of digitized existence. Almost everything has been made available to us at the click of a button - and even more so with the onset of technological advances such as the smart phone.
With the introduction of Quick Response (QR) codes, which are those tiny black and white 2D bar codes, from which a myriad of information can be attained, businesses are now equipped with another powerful tool that can help them grow their bottom line.
You’ve probably seen QR codes on marketing materials such as:
-Business Cards -Websites -Direct Mail -Billboards -Magazines and more
They have the potential to carry an immense amount of information within a very small space due to their ability to encode data both vertically and horizontally (normally, scanned information is read only between vertical lines - like a bar code).
With the introduction of the smart phone (such as the Blackberry, iPhone and Android), the use of QR codes is steadily on the incline for marketing purposes. With a quick scan of their mobile cameras, consumers can unlock QR codes right on the spot to find out what’s behind it.
However, this is where many businesses make the wrong decision; some of them use QR codes to send people to their websites. While this is a good way to get more website traffic, it doesn’t do much in terms of conversions because there is no value present for your customers and potential customers.
For instance, if a hair salon simply puts out a QR code that says “Visit Our Website,” they are missing the opportunity to provide value, such as hair care tips and special discount offers – these are the types of things that make consumers truly take notice and crave more.
Coming out with a new product or service and want to tell the world? Do it with a QR code. The “immediate gratification” nature of QR codes means that your audience no longer has to wait until they get home to see what you have. Instead, entice them with a QR code so they can find out right away no matter where they are.
In addition, QR codes are powerful for getting customer feedback, building a list of email and mobile subscribers, getting social media followers, and sharing valuable content such as blog posts and videos.
When developing your QR code campaigns, just be sure to develop a clear plan, post your codes strategically for optimal performance, and include a strong call-to-action that will make consumers take action.
About the Author
 | Daemon Rutledge, Circle Consulting Agency, LLC 11 Thistleton Rd Sicklerville, NJ 08081 888.603.6026 x707
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