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How To Rewrite One Good Article Under One Hour

Article marketing is a very good way to accumulate backlinks that point back to your site and generate visitors. Unfortunately, search engine companies like Google have clammed down hard on duplicate content so your works must appear somewhat 'original' or unique to be acceptable in article directories. In this article you'll discover quick tips to rewriting one good article under 1 hour and you'll have no worries about other writers accusing you of plagiarism.

First of all, there must be an appropriate mindset that comes before the skill. If I may attribute a quote by Stephen King correctly, he said, "The more you read, the more you write." It simply means anyone is capable of mentally storing accumulated knowledge for as long as s/he keeps reading, and with this pool of knowledge arise a desire to express oneself based on what s/he knows. This is the fundamental first step to establishing expertise. No one can lie about what s/he doesn't know and shouldn't downplay what they truly know if they can be in a position to help others and get paid for it.

Second, the structure and length of the article must be determined before writing commences. I recommend a length of 410 words to beat the minimum limit for acceptable article submission. A classic set of criteria for structuring would be:

1. Describe a problem, challenge or scenario that needs to be fixed.

2. Describe the consequences if the problem remains ignored.

3. List down possible solutions to help fix the problem. Put them in point form.

4. Highlight the benefits of applying the solutions.

5. Present in a case study, a real or theoretical positive outcome when the solutions are applied.

6. Summarize the key theme of the article and re-emphasize the need to solve the problem. End it with a "call to action".

A 410-word article is really short and you'll surely find yourself surpassing this limit when you practice writing often enough.

Another thing to bear in mind is the use of synonyms. As you research for your content, be alert for words which you can replace with another of the same meaning. This will help you beat duplication.

The most wonderful thing about rewriting content is that although your words have to be unique, the ideas behind them are not. You can research a wide range of PLR articles or other people's articles and cut them up, add to them, combine them with other content, or go one step further and create an e-book or audio/video product only because you don't feel 'right' with how they write...the sky really is the limit! Include your own personal opinions and experiences about the topic or explain in greater detail the theories or concepts that are only mentioned briefly in other articles. Coming up with a list of solutions in point form is as easy as deriving one tip you can summarize in a single statement from each and every article you research. The more things you can think of, the more unique your resulting product will be.

Rewriting articles is not difficult at all. It's not like I'm asking you to "start from scratch". Once you get past the initial phase and develop a habit and a personal taste for expressing yourself in a professional way, article writing can be a very enjoyable activity. You can do it fast and never have a shortage of unique content again!

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About the Author

Nelson Tan, Internet Mastery Center
Blk 539, Serangoon North Ave. 4, #03-37
Nerstrand, MN 55053

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