What Is A Marketing Lead Funnel?
By Scott & Laurie Prindle
Simply put, a marketing lead funnel it is a system that captures a large volume of leads that "funnel" down to identify those prospects who are ready to listen to what you have to say. Think of it this way: without a lead funnel it's like fishing with a pole. You can only go after one fish at a time. A lead funnel is like fishing with a net. With a net you "capture" a large number of leads all at once, creating what we call "lead soup".
There are many different kinds of fish that end up in your net ("lead soup"). The funnel sorts these fish for you to reveal who is ready to join your team. The rest of the prospects stay in your funnel until they develop into qualified leads, or end up back in the water. This is also known in the MLM industry as "Attraction Marketing".
Let's define the problem faced by most Marketers. Most Marketers are not achieving the level of success that they had originally dreamed of almost certainly because they live in a constant state of "empty nets" because they do not have a lead funnel. They don't know how or where to cast their net to attract fish (quality leads).
So, how can you benefit from a customizable lead funnel? You need to be gathering a list of qualified prospects (building your list). The best way to do this is with an automated system that can both capture and qualify a large volume of leads.
Once you have a lead funnel system, you will build a list of qualified prospects for your primary company. You can do this by learning to market to people who are currently interested in your market.
Having access to a customizable marketing lead funnel will not only help you gather a list of potential new recruits, it will also help your existing team grow their business. The lead funnel is the missing piece of many marketing programs.
To learn how to build a fully customizable lead funnel even if you are just getting started, contact the author.
About the Author
 | Scott & Laurie Prindle, Salt & Light Inc. 4711 Brown Drake Court Tetonia, ID 83452 208 456-2222
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